
Medical Weight Loss Program

Obesity is a chronic condition that is associated with multiple weight-related health conditions. Losing weight reduces your health risk and risks associated with Covid infection. Additionally it has a beneficial impact on your confidence, self-esteem and activity levels. 
Some people prefer to lose weight on their own without surgery.  
That is why we started our slimming  clinic.

Why choose medslim ?

Approved Medication

Safe & well evidenced

Three month program

Consultant Led

Dietician Support

Reduce risk of disease

Intial Consultation


All-inclusive package price from:


Bupa insurance Logo
AXA insurance Logo
Vitality insurance Logo
WPA insurance Logo
AVIVA insurance Logo

4 STEps to success

Step 1: Consultation

Our consultant doctor will carry out a health assessment and give you a questionnaire about your lifestyle and eating habits. if you are eligible, you will be shown how to use the medication.

Step 2: Medication

An online prescription is filled out by the Consultant. 1 month supply of weight loss medication is delivered to your door in the following days. You will be given an information leaflet to assist you in taking the medication.

Step 3: Dietician

Dietician makes contact for intial review of your diet and eating behaviour. Follow up call during the first month to assess progress and help with dosage. In 4-6 weeks another follow up call.

Step 4: Progress

After 12 weeks, if you have lost more than 5% of body weight has you can continue the medication with further advice. There is also an option to discuss alternative weight loss interventions if you wish.

Dr Ahmed Hamouda is LEGENDARY I am writing to praise Dr Hamouda and his team members for being exceptional, excellent, outstanding professional, dedicated, hard working and helpful. Every question I asked Dr Hamouda and his team they were able to answer in user friendly terms that even I could understand. Dr Hamouda is extremely welcoming, helpful, kind, highly professional, with exceptional interpersonal skills. I was also impressed with the results i feel amazing. Thank you